
The True Cost of Context Switching for Marketing


Improve Productivity Using HubSpot’s All-in-One CRM Solution

Having multiple siloed systems causes a phenomenon called context switching, which occurs when marketing and sales teams must mentally shift gears as they toggle from one unrelated tool to another. The interruptions and disruption caused by context switching have a huge negative impact on productivity, as well as a detrimental effect on the customer experience.

A recent report released by HubSpot and Grant Marketing, The True Cost of Context Switching, examines the aspects of the issue and proposes an effective solution to the problem. The report will explain how:

  • Disconnects negatively impact the customer experience
  • Siloed systems reduce productivity
  • You can have a solution for sustainable growth

Dump the siloes and empower your businesses to focus on providing a personalized customer experience while maximizing the efficiency and teamwork of marketing and sales teams. Help your business improve its bottom line, productivity, website traffic, increased lead generation, and close a higher number of deals.

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