Matching Grants for Marketing Strategies
There are numerous sources of funds for small businesses and manufacturing companies located in Massachusetts, and one specifically targeted to manufacturing companies is now in the state budget. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has once again appropriated $250,000 for SBANE's Manufacturing Matching Grant Program. The program seeks to provide targeted matching grants to manufacturing companies seeking to enhance the company's bottom line.
It is specifically designed for the purpose of providing high-powered private consulting expertise to small and medium-sized, Massachusetts-based manufacturers undergoing a business transition. To be eligible, companies must meet the criteria used by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to define a manufacturing corporation. That information is available by clicking here.
Save these Dates!
Important dates for the 2015-2016 funding year:
- An Information Session about the program will be held on Wednesday, July 23, 2015 at Grant Thornton in Westborogh. For more information or to register, click here.
- The application will be available beginning July 22, 2015.
- All projects will need to be completed by June 1, 2016.
I encourage you to go and learn how you can benefit from this highly competitive and successful program.
For more information and an application, go to SBANE’s Manufacturing Matching Grant Program page online.
Companies looking for marketing assistance that might be subsidized with these funds can contact us for an Inbound Marketing Assessment.