Navigating Transparently in the New Normal
How are you holding up? We certainly hope all is well with you and your family. Clearly COVID-19 is causing disruption for everyone everywhere.
If you’re reading this, we’re guessing that it has likely disrupted your normal business operations, as well. Are you trying to figure out your new normal: employee well-being; facility cleanliness and work station distance, vendor resources, production timelines … ? It goes on, we know. Perhaps you’re able to continue manufacturing, but customers can’t receive. And how is your supply chain doing as a whole? That’s another monumental concern. Good for now, but will parts and components run out soon? Are you discovering a lack of redundancies in your supply chain? That’s its own list.
We understand that you, your company, and your customers are going through a period of unpredictability during this crisis. Here’s one vital thing you do have control over: communication. Doing so with clarity and regularity will promote stability, calm, and dependability during this period of uncertainty. Maintain open communication and keep your employees, customers, and suppliers aware of how you will support them.