Grant Marketing Blog

Inda McKetchnie

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Why Print Still Belongs in Your Marketing Strategy

Posted by Inda McKetchnie on Jul 29, 2020 11:47AM

How Print Marketing Strategies Are Unique from Digital Strategies

When you think about marketing today, a lot of it revolves around digital strategies, whether it’s social media campaigns, best SEO practices, or online content. Billboards, printed pamphlets, and print ads seem to be a thing of the past—but are they?

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Topics: B2B Marketing, Industrial Marketing Strategy, Print Marketing

Getting Back to Business

Posted by Inda McKetchnie on Jun 3, 2020 4:58PM

Massachusetts’ Guidelines for Manufacturing During COVID-19

Manufacturing businesses are included in Phase 1 of Massachusetts’ plan of slowly reopening the economy after a lockdown period that spanned multiple months. While some manufacturing companies remained open as essential businesses, these new safety standards are mandatory for all manufacturing businesses moving forward for the foreseeable future.

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Topics: Industrial Manufacturing Companies, Industrial Manufacturers, Covid-19

Improve Your Sales and Marketing Strategies with HubSpot’s Starter Growth Suite

Posted by Inda McKetchnie on Jun 1, 2020 9:37AM

How Small Businesses Can Benefit from the Starter Growth Suite’s Capabilities

Small businesses are often the ones that suffer most when enduring hard economic times. Whether it’s constraints on budget or on workforce, smaller businesses often have a harder time bouncing back. Creating marketing assets, following up on a lead, or responding to an endless number of customer questions are vital tasks, but in crisis mode, are viewed as secondary. And they often suffer in an effort to remain afloat while tending to more imminent operational needs.

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Topics: Website Assessment, Covid-19, HubSpot Starter Growth Suite

Adjusting Your Marketing Strategy in the Wake of Forced Change

Posted by Inda McKetchnie on Apr 23, 2020 1:18PM

What You Can Do About the Current Impacts on Your Business and Budget

Let’s start by stating the obvious: life now looks nothing like it did two months ago. And two months from now … who knows? Every piece of our existence feels the impact—our lifestyle, our business, and our ability to adjust to change. In addition to learning the ins and outs of Zoom conferencing, setting up home offices, being a parent/teacher/spouse/employee/regular-everyday-human simultaneously, and adjusting to a possible long-term change in our way of life, the situation has also brought to light how able we are to adjust our strategies in order to stay afloat during a time where it’s very difficult to maintain “business as usual.”

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Topics: Inbound Marketing, Industrial Marketing, B2B marketing strategy, Content Marketing Strategy, Social Media Marketing, Marketing, Sales, and Service, Covid-19, Coronavirus

B2B Marketing Trends for 2020

Posted by Inda McKetchnie on Jan 17, 2020 1:5PM

Setting Resolutions—Reaching Goals

We made it! We got through 2019, so it’s time to look forward to 2020. Our blog post from 2019 highlighted conversational marketing, creating and promoting videos, account-based marketing, brand evangelism, and long-form content; and while all of these are still relevant for 2020, there’s another group of trends that are elbowing their way into the spotlight and deserve some attention for the new year.

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Topics: Content Marketing Strategy, B2B Inbound Marketing, B2B Branding, LinkedIn marketing, Social Media Marketing, Brand Management, Marketing Automation, web design

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