In an online world filled with pop-ups, dings, buzzes, buttons, commercials, and so on, you need to ensure that your business is doing everything in your power to stay ahead of the competition. Now, you may be wondering, how does your business gain this edge over the competition? How do you become a unique voice in the shrill of distracting buzz words? Well, the simple two-word answer is: content marketing. Yup, industrial content marketing can make all the difference in the B2B industrial marketing sphere.
James Carver
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Catapult Your Company Past the Competition! That’s Why.
Wait … what’s a blog? First: the basics. You’ve probably been reading blog posts for some time and may not know it. Maybe you read something a friend shared on Facebook or LinkedIn by following a link to a page with a cool post about something that interested you—either business or lifestyle related. It might even have been an industrial marketing blog post.
Topics: Industrial Marketing, Blogging
As a B2B marketing agency we know for sure that social media plays one of the largest roles in B2B marketing. If used properly, it can have a far-reaching, positive impact on your company’s success. However, many B2B companies are not harnessing the of power social media, and in turn, these companies are losing traffic along with their much needed leads. If used properly, social media has the ability to effectively develop a new brand or aid in the rebranding of a failing company. Social media creates brand awareness: it encourages social sharing; it produces followers, promoting trust and reputation; and it drives inbound leads.
Topics: B2B Marketing, Social Media, Inbound Marketing