Grant Marketing Blog

The Science Behind the Success of Growth-Driven Design

Posted by Tejasvi Desai on Aug 16, 2016 1:8PM

An Efficient, Effective, Affordable, and User-Focused Web Strategy to Complement Your B2B Inbound Marketing Efforts

The purpose of a website has transformed drastically over time—what was once considered optional, high-tech, and even fancy, is now indispensable to even B2B industrial manufacturers. And, so is the need to constantly update it.

Basic web redesign is just not efficient enough to keep up with the dynamics of the marketplace, changing customer expectations, and advancements in technology.

Why Is the Traditional Web Redesign Process Broken? Traditional_web_design.png

First, a business identifies the need for a redesign and begins to research its options. Then, it conveys its needs and expectations to the hired agency or design firm. Three months later, it launches the new site.

Not only does the company burn a huge hole in its pockets, but now it is also stuck with a website that cannot be updated until the next site redesign—which is at least another year away. And with technological advances moving so fast, that’s a considerable time gap.


Can Your Marketing Team Afford to Take Three Months Off to Focus on Site Redesign?

Even if they could, why should they?

Instead of diverting your marketing team for three months, why not choose a strategy that ensures that the design process is tightly integrated with B2B marketing and sales.

Growth-Driven Design (GDD) is the smarter way to go about web design because it offers a more adaptive model, allowing businesses to change their marketing plans-of-action based on the conditions, obstacles, and opportunities they encounter.

Older web-design models tend to alternatGrowth_driven_design_graph.pnge between long-term goals of sales generation and short-term goals of user experience, customer feedback, and website review. To carry out one, the others would have to be put on hold.

On the other hand, when marketers work with you using a GDD approach, we can simultaneously make continuous improvements to your short-term strategy to ensure you are on track to not only achieve your long-term goals, but also exceed them by adopting a user-responsive design.

What Makes Growth-Driven Design Successful? GDD_workshop_landing_page.png

Growth-driven design minimizes the time lags, resource drains, and cost risks of traditional web design through a systematic approach that shortens the time to launch by focusing on real impact and continuous learning and improvement.

Rather than undertaking a site redesign every couple of years with outdated content that no longer matches the organization’s goals
(or the market and customers’ needs and buying habits), GDD succeeds by making informed performance improvements to your site based on testing, continuous learning, and research that’s derived from visitor behaviors on your site.

As an industrial manufacturer, have you begun to visualize how Growth-Driven Design will positively impact your company—and want to learn exactly how to implement it?

Let us help you determine that in our Growth-Driven Design Introductory Workshop, which will be customized to solve for your industrial marketing needs.

Sign Up for Our GDD Introductory Workshop

Topics: B2B marketing strategy, B2B Inbound Marketing, Growth-Driven Design

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