Grant Marketing Blog

Why Blog in Industrial Marketing?

Posted by James Carver on Jul 22, 2014 7:0AM

Catapult Your Company Past the Competition! That’s Why.

Wait … what’s a blog? First: the basics. You’ve probably been reading blog posts for some time and may not know it. Maybe you read something a friend shared on Facebook or LinkedIn by following a link to a page with a cool post about something that interested you—either business or lifestyle related. It might even have been an industrial marketing blog post.

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Topics: Industrial Marketing, Blogging

The Positive Impact of Social Media on B2B Companies

Posted by James Carver on Jul 15, 2014 12:20PM

As a B2B marketing agency we know for sure that social media plays one of the largest roles in B2B marketing. If used properly, it can have a far-reaching, positive impact on your company’s success. However, many B2B companies are not harnessing the of power social media, and in turn, these companies are losing traffic along with their much needed leads. If used properly, social media has the ability to effectively develop a new brand or aid in the rebranding of a failing company. Social media creates brand awareness: it encourages social sharing; it produces followers, promoting trust and reputation; and it drives inbound leads.


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Topics: B2B Marketing, Social Media, Inbound Marketing

Is Your Brand Positioning as Strong as it Can Be?

Posted by Cam Mirisola-Bynum on Jun 30, 2014 4:5PM

Build Your Brand Development Muscles

You know what your company does, but does the average person? When you’re at a barbeque and someone asks what you do for work, what do you say? Can you describe it in a simple 60-second elevator pitch?

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Topics: B2B Marketing, Branding

What Industrial Marketing Should Know about Content Marketing

Posted by Bob Grant on Jun 26, 2014 3:42PM

As and industrial marketer you need to create relevant content in order for engineers and purchasing agents to locate your website and learn about their services. I will  share one b2b marketing statistic and one b2b content marketing strategy that can generate more quality leads for industrial marketing  websites.

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Topics: B2B Marketing

Industrial Marketing Today : The Case for Personalized Approach to Industrial Branding

Posted by Vidushi Bhardwaj on Jun 10, 2014 3:43PM

Think about a consumer brand that caught your attention recently. It may have evoked a positive response, humor, or welcomed nostalgia. It is highly likely that many brand names popped up in your head.

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Topics: B2B Marketing, Industrial Branding, Industrial Marketing

US Manufacturers – Think B2B Brand Development Too!

Posted by Bob Grant on Apr 27, 2014 3:31PM

In today’s economy and competitive environment it is very important for US manufacturing companies to be smart marketers. If you are an owner or CEO of a manufacturing company, like other B2B marketers, you need to understand what your company is good at and why it is different than your competition.

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Topics: B2B Marketing, Branding

Manufacturing Steps it Up

Posted by Bob Grant on Mar 19, 2014 3:22PM

U.S. manufacturing continues to step it up with a solid gain this year of 3.5% or better according to this week’s Kiplinger Report. For seven months in a row factory jobs have increased, and there is growth in every region across many industries. Biotech has experienced double digit growth and there are steady gains in medical equipment, aviation, and auto.

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Topics: Branding

Does Your Content Marketing Use Video?

Posted by Vidushi Bhardwaj on Jun 26, 2013 3:18PM

There is an old expression, “Use a picture, it’s worth a thousand words”, first expressed by Arthur Brisbane to the Syracuse Advertising Men’s club, in March 1911. Numerous studies have backed that visual content holds superiority over verbal content when it comes to conveying a lot of information quickly and succinctly. It stimulates a perceptual and emotional response among viewers that ultimately influence their purchase behavior. We are now surrounded by visual images – from smart phones, web pages, TV screens, tablets, and other mobile devices. As ProfessorPaul Martin Lester points out in “Syntactic Theory of Visual Communication”, “we are becoming a visually mediated society… For many, understanding of the world is being accomplished, not through reading words, but by reading images”. In this high-tech era where visual imagery is not just confined to images; social networking sites, info graphics, blogs/vlogs, online videos, games, 3D movies and so forth take visual stimulation to another level. Over the past few years, content marketing has developed into part of the marketing strategy of B2B companies. Business to Business marketers are using blog post with images and video, or webinars containing audio and images. There is an upward trend in content marketing toward all things visual.  Relevant findings from industry reports and trends have supported this claim –

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Topics: B2B Marketing

Marketing Automation for B2B

Posted by Vidushi Bhardwaj on Apr 5, 2013 11:44AM

At Grant Marketing, we like to stay ahead of the curve and that’s also the reason why we spend a great deal of time researching, monitoring current marketing trends, gathering consumer insights and pushing beyond this to deliver customized marketing solutions. This year we bring the concept of marketing automation into our zeitgeist. Although it is an evolving concept that many companies particularly in the B2B space are still grappling to acquire the right knowledge in order to leverage this technology to its full potential which exists today. This blog aims to impart a degree of understanding on the importance of embarking on a marketing automation journey for B2B, as there is a general consensus now more than ever, the value of marketing automation capabilities needs to be understood by both small and medium-sized B2B to large enterprises.

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Topics: Inbound Marketing

Linking Mobile to B2B Marketing Strategy

Posted by Vidushi Bhardwaj on Feb 6, 2013 11:27AM

As mentioned in our previous blog, B2B companies are slowly and steadily dipping their toes in the social media water, and rightly so. But there is another storm brewing in the present digital ecosystem, which is integrating mobile into the current B2B marketing mix. According to Forrester Research report for 2012, “By 2016, smart phones and tablets will put power in the pockets of a billion global consumers, and mobile is the manifestation of a much broader shift to new systems of engagement”. This power shift is compelling not only for B2C companies to pay attention to mobile marketing, but B2B companies are also waking up to the innumerable opportunities, this evolving and interactive “touch point” can offer them.

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Topics: B2B Marketing, Social Media

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